English Trans: goodwind94 @SGTripleSGive proper credit when reposting, thanks!***************************************************************

It doesn't matter if it is during fan signing or fanmeeting, Park Jung Min always gives fans the best fan service. Other than letting fans see his most handsome, most beautiful smile, he also gives zero distance intraction like putting hands on shoulders, shake hands, hi five, back hug, personally feed cake and love's hug. Knowing that Jung Min is born in the year of the rabbit, fans also gave him many presents related to rabbits. Local and international fan clubs also sent flower baskets and messages to him.
During the fanmeeting, Jung Min has also specially prepared Lee Hom's 'Forever Love'. His singing caused Green Peas to be 'electrocuted'. With the nickname of 'Sexy Charisma', he also taught fans how to dance the signature dance steps of 'Not Alone' and sexy ending of the song during a game. Fans also have a chance to write down questions on a post it note. Lucky fans whose questions were chosen had the precious chance of have a solo shot with Jung Min.
Fans also helped Jung Min to celebrate his birthday early. Other than broadcasting the MV which Singapore Triple S made, Singapore Triple S also personally made a cake with the figurine of Jung Min on it. Upon seeing the figurine of himself, his first reaction is to jokingly say very fat. Seeing, fans enthusiatic support, Jung Min responded by saying that he was very touched. The host,Ken even found tears rolling in his eyes.
Lastly, Jung Min promised fans to come back to Singapore another time and that he will work hard to make better music and shows for fans.

Before the interview, just like normal regulation for Korean stars, the reporter would need to allow organizers look through the questions asked. After vetting through, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the number of questions were reduced by half. Questions regarding SS501 were seen as sensitive and were removed. Even questions regarding about Jung Min’s visit to fellow member Kim Hyung Joon’s MV shooting site were also rejected.
Only bringing the impression which Jung Min gave during the press conference, the reporter’s expectations to the interview only increased as his performance during the press conference was what many Korean stars would not do. What the reporter did not expect was that within the short 13 mins interview, the answers that he gave were more conservative than what the reporter thought.
“This is the way which I thank my fans because everyone came personally to see me and support me. I am normally very hyper however there are also times where I feel sad but on the average I am cheerful.”
When in a group, because there were other 4 members, he would be able to relax for a bit. However, now that he is solo would he feel tired because he has to be energized every single moment?
“I normally would not think of it this way or would try my best not to think too much. Instead I would do my best to finish the work I need to finish.”
Despite using simple words and quickly bring across the matter about how he maintains his energy, he politely replied that he would go for a massage or sauna to release stress after the reporter continuous questioning.
When asked of his thoughts of being the first one to release a solo album in the group, Jung Min expressed that when he first started promoting, he did feel stressed.
“When I started promoting, I was a little nervous but the most important thing is to produce the best album that is within my limits and also to have confidence in my abilities.”
He also admitted that he cannot forever promote himself as a member of a group to develop himself in his career.
“Going solo is not just the matter of confidence; it is actually a way for me as an artiste to self-develop. I also cannot just be a group member, it is also time for me to continue to go forward and find my true self.”
Even at the last question, when asked about the biggest difference between the on-screen and off-screen of himself, he still gave the safest answer, “My on screen and off screen self is about the same…”
The reporter straight forwardly asked, “also a flower boy?” never did the reporter expect that Jung Min would misunderstand that the reporter was praising him and Jung Min immediately regain his friendly smile during the press conference and happily expressed “thank you!”, only to let the reporter shake his head.
Even though the impression he gave in the interview was not as well as that during the press conference, but just before the reporter left, Jung Min noticed that the reporter left behind recorder, he immediately picked it up and politely asked in Chinese, “Yours? Is this not yours?” This once again let the reporter’s impression of him increased points and at least confirm that he is sensitive and caring.
Just that it would be better if there were more details, examples and thought in his replies and not just slightly touching the question answers, it would let the reporter have a better impression of him.